Would you like a basic and affordable website and email? What about a way to store all your children’s life experiences as they grow? Images, emails, text, etc. You could surprise them with their own site and email address? Maybe even embarrass them in front of their friends. Yes, your own affordable website and email. There are many site hosting companies with free domain and SSL certificate deals on offer, which helps to reduce the costs of your website with email. I use and recommend Ventraip. I’ll do everything to get you online, you ask for it, I’ll find it, put it together, and you pay, it’s that simple. $300 might be all you pay* Forget Gmail, Telstra, Bigpond, etc, and promote your own business.
What’s involved in setting up your new site and email? Please get in touch to discuss what you’d like and how much it may cost, including hosting and a domain name. Then we’ll be underway.
Just how can I help you get online?
- Offer one invoice from me for all services, which makes things easier.
- I’ll find and confirm your domain name choice. .com.au, .com or many more (* costs may vary)
- You might be able to secure .com.au if you have that business name registered.
- Set up your emails, e.g sales@yourdomain.com.au or alan@yourdomain.com.au
- Provide you with details and help to set up your own devices to send and receive emails.
- Ongoing minor adjustments of your site, such as phone number, photo changes etc.
- Deal with host tech support if and when it’s required.
- Discuss the need (if any) for additional back of house features and install them on your new site.
- Create a logo for your business if you’d like, for $200 (a one off fee)